Nintex Forms

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Smart forms for smart organizations.

Forms are a critical source of information for your company, and there’s a way for them to work better for you. Nintex Forms put powerful business processes into motion by connecting data inputs into workflows.


Easy to build. Easy to use.

With a drag-and-drop designer, you can easily design and create SharePoint forms using pre-defined layouts for any device, form factor or screen size for quick publishing to browsers and mobile apps. Design forms with sophisticated business logic and rich HTML formatting. Create reusable components and save forms as templates. Save time creating new forms from one environment to the next with the import and export functionality to quickly copy forms, including settings and layouts.

Fully integrated.

Companies have traditionally taken a “paper to screen” approach, converting huge paper forms into equally unwieldy digital ones. With Nintex, the form displays only what users need to see. By letting Nintex Workflow handle the logic, the forms are easier to complete, enabling faster process and quicker business results. Best of all? While a workflow process may involve multiple forms, they can be based on a common template then modified, updated and deployed in a single step.

Cloud ready.

Nintex Forms for Office 365 offers one-click publishing to the web and the ability to securely extend forms and processes to users outside of the firewall. In addition, Nintex Mobile apps for iOS, Android, Windows and Windows Phone provide everyday mobile device features like image and video attachments, barcode and QR code scanning, geolocation tagging, signature capture and more.


Ready to learn more? Want to see a demo? Contact us.